Monday, May 23, 2011


This article reminded me of the Art 101 class that I took last year. We actually learned about synesthesia in the class, but I don't remember actually calling it that. I think the combined forms of art to create a certain feel is extremely interesting. In Art 101 we discussed how a painting can be a realistic portrayal of something, for example a cat, and the fur on the cat could look so realistic that it could be touched. This is a form of synesthesia, the viewer sees the art and thinks it is realistic, and therefore wants to touch it. I think it's interesting that certain forms of art can trigger those types of senses. For me music by itself often triggers visual images in my head. That’s what makes me so interested in music videos, and just putting music and visual image together in general. I definitely found it interesting that synesthesia can be found in so many different forms of art. I really think it is interesting that color and music can also be correlated. I loved reading about the organ and how the color would coordinate with the octave of the note. I can see how those two coordinate because the lighter colors would be with a higher musical note. I love that all these different art forms can come together and be compatible with each other. Synesthesia will always remain present in any form of art, and it is interesting how different viewers can also get different reactions to different forms of art.

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